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We see what we meant to see, with truth, grace and love in heart, at the right time. A true heart connection beats to the flow of the Universe.


Marine Lyes


Mom Mak is a character created by Marine Lyes in the memory of living happily in freedom, between the war,  without care in the world and being connected with Mother Nature through the childhood! Now, as a grown up person and living in busy, pushy and competitive society, and after going through an invisible illness with constant chronic pains, reconnecting with nature alternating with meditation and channelling energy helped soothe and heal my body, mind and soul naturally. Restoring my wholeness to its balance with the world and aligning my vibrational match to source energy! I was guided to take some amazing healing pictures to be of service to the world and some are for the beauty of the eyes! Most of pictures are been taken around Cheltenham UK but they are a few from other areas and abroad too while travelling. My intention is to help spreading positive changes to the World through these healing pictures. And try assisting you to unwind and forget, for a moment, your busy life by drawing your attentions to appreciate the splendour and the grace of life of our natural world through the eyes of love, thus helping you to focus your thoughts/perceptions to different perspectives with a relaxed and quietened mind like so you are elevating your vibration! And so, you have a bit of your "me time to reconnect with yourself"! You will allow your body to relax and to regenerate the power of its own healing! This will avoid dis-eases to stem within your body and mind! These Healing Photography are kept to a minimum editing as to allow its original energy keeps in flows. Prints are available to order. 




Meditation on pictures:

Close your eyes, focus in your breathing deeply in-out. For each breathing, see or feel a warm and vibrant pink colour surrounding you, like a big bubble of love, from the top of your head to under your feet. See or feel yourself stretching in the centre of that bubble, as far as, you can in any direction. As you do so, the bubble of love is following your movements binding itself to any direction protecting you from any negativity from any sources from reaching your sacred space. When you feel totally safe and you are ready to open your eyes, allow them to wander on the pictures and pay attention to how does each picture make you feel like?... how does your body react to it?... and what can you see in them?... If you feel uneasy with a picture, could it be, inviting you to let go off situations/to heal everything that no longer serve you and making changes to a better outcome? Or could it be reminding you (in your conscious/subconscious) a past/present situation that you may not be ready to confront it yet or let go of it? If you feel you are not ready, then, pass onto another one! However, if you are appealed to see a chosen picture, there is likely that your soul is ready to heal and wants to set free onto another phase of life experiences!  If a picture give you a sensation of healing continue to absorb its healing energies and allow whatever happened to be! Also, bear in mind, each individual may not see the same things than you in the same picture. We see what we meant to see at the right time. Be patient and be kind to yourself and to others. This is a place of love, support, comfort for each other wellbeing, so please, avoid bad behaviours or best not to act upon them, like so, there no reaction chains. Insults are not permitted.

When you finished viewing, close your eyes and refocus on your breathing in the bubble of love. Breathe in love and breathe out love... then take your mind


back into the room you are in, move gently your arms, hands, feet for grounding yourself firmly on the floor until you are ready to go back to your daily tasks.






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