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So it is time now for you to empower yourself and listen to your body of its own needs! Bathe yourself in the radiance of your own Light!

Come in and start to drift away...You relax while we pamper you!

Balinese massage
Keeping a healthy mind and a happy soul is keeping a healthy body free of stress and dis-eases!
Full deep body massage                                     
Single price:  £60.00      Duration: 60-75 min                                                         
Course of 3: £150.00 (buy 2 get 3rd one half price)                 
valid for 3 consecutive months only from the date of purchase                  
Deep back, shoulder & neck massage
Price:  £40.00                 Duration: 40 min
This massage helps reduce the stress, tensions and assist the body to
remove waste and toxins from sore and overworked muscles.
In combining the use of the aromatic oils and deep pressures, intuitively,
on knotted tissue and muscle damage aids to release the chronic
patterns of tensions in the body and acute pain in the muscle and aims
to repair the normal movement of muscles and tendons. It is beneficial
in improving the blood flow and the immunity of the body, therefore,
stimulating the body own healing ability to restore itself faster in its
recovery. So, the body maintains a healthy physical and mental
condition in its optimum performance and promotes a total wellness
of the whole body and mind.
This treatment can be a little painful at times and you may experience some
bruises in certain area of your body caused by the deep pressures. If pain is not
desirable, the relaxation Aromatherapy massage is recommended.


Aromatherapy massage:

The "me time" is a necessity, in our actual busy and stressful world to avoid

"burning out for trying to make a living",

in order to give our body and mind to rest fully.

Like so, the body stay in tune and in balance with the mind and spirit,

working with each other in more efficient way.



Full relaxing body massage                                                 
Single price: £60.00              Duration: 60-75 min                                                                                                                    
Course of 3: £150.00 (buy 2 get 3rd one half price)                                                                            
Valid for 3 consecutive months only from the date of purchase                                                         
Relaxing back, shoulder & neck massage
Price: £40.00                          Duration: 40 min
Relaxing hands, facial and scalp massage
Price: £30.00                          Duration: 30 min
This massage harnesses the natural, medicinal and healing properties
of plants to alleviate various health concerns as well as setting the
mood inside the room which help to raise the healing capability.
It promotes a deep relaxation and increases wellbeing through the
combination of gentle massage techniques and a carefully selected
blend of oils. When absorbed by the body, these therapeutic properties
can create a subtle positive physical and emotional response and revive
your body, mind and spirit!


a relaxing aromatherapy massage Cheltenham
Balinese massage Cheltenham
An angel in the core of an orchid Cheltenham
A heart shape in a tulip flower Cheltenham
a relaxing aromatherapy massage Cheltenham
Angel healing therapy:

I believe strongly, if it is not your time to go back to Heaven, yet, then miracles can happen in an unexpected way!

If you meant to be healed, you would be.

Open fully your heart to give yourself a permission to heal.

No system of religions or believes are needed to receive Healing.


Single price:  £40.00               Duration: 45-60 min

Course of 3:  £100.00 (buy 2 get 3rd one half price)
Valid for 3 consecutive sessions only from the date of purchase.
Energy healing can be treated on a comfortable chair
or on a massage couch with fully clothed. It is suited to anyone!
Healing is a natural, calming, safe and effective
way to help in releasing toxins from any sources of stress on all level:
physical, emotional and spiritual of a person`s being through pure
unconditional love by channelling the power of universal energies.
Such as dealing with bereavement, divorce, family issues,
stuck at a low point or unexpected life changing.
This therapy will uplift, relax and energise your mind and body.
It will allow your body to regenerate and heal itself better.
You will feel a sense of love, peace, joy and harmony within yourself.
This treatment helps you to restrengthen your immune system,
reconnect with your higher self, your highest good and you will cope better with the
stress of life!
This treatment is suited to all walk of life. It is recommended and it is ideal to people
who are not able to receive massages.
Special offer to new clients for Angelic Healing therapy:
I offer one free 12 minutes of body scan to all new customers who wish to try this Angelic healing treatment. Once, the trial time is finished if you wish to continue the treatment, the price would be £20.00 only for that one time treatment.
I also offer one free 30 minutes treatment to new customers who have cancer but a written proof from your medical team is to be provided. Thereafter, healing treatments will be given through donation.
Children under 18 need the parents` permission in writing.


Angels in clouds, Cheltenham
forming angel with natural patterns in crystal ball, Cheltenham

 Angels are always near by with their guidance and healing,  (picture taken on 05-02-2013)

through their unconditional love and light

Animal healing therapy:
Your beloved pets benefit the healing as much as we do!
They can receive a healing boost to keep them healthy and helps them to be at peace within themselves too, especially those, who are struggling through hard time, traumas, and hate to be taken to the vet! They know what is best for them for their highest good!
Single price: £ 30.00             Duration: 30 min
Course of 3: £ 75.00 (buy 2 get 3rd one half price)
Valid for 3 consecutive sessions only from the date of purchase.
 Venue: to be agreed when and where or with a picture
Animal healing is a safe, gentle and effective way to help in releasing
toxins on all level: physical, emotional and spiritual of the animal`s being.
Healing is pure love acting as a support and comfort to the pets and carers
in giving them relief from pain, fear or anxiety. Healing enhances the recovery
process of the animal`s conditions by taping into their own healing abilities
and aids to achieve the balance within their mind, body and spirit.
And so, producing a sense of wellbeing, deep relaxation and peace.
Healing can be channelled through a picture as there is no barrier for energy flow.
it is as effective as face to face. It would also give less stress to animals who are easily
scared, too ill and too sensitive in meeting new people.


Star treatment:


So if each one of us, re-connect their heart inward to self love and unlock it to shine it out,

first, to themselves from within, then, inner peace and inner harmony would be

restored to their balance. Once, our state of wellbeing from within is recognised,accepted

and cherished with glow of love in our heart. Then, we are more likely to reflect it back and

connect to others and to our world to accept them, the way they are, seeing through the

eyes of love. Therefore, the world would be in safer and in a better place to live in!


We are a powerful being of Love and Light, so be it!


Deep or relaxing back, shoulder, neck, facial

and scalp massage with Angelic Healing       

Single price: £60.00            Duration: 60-75 min                                                                                                 

Course of 3: £150.00 (buy 2 get 3rd one half price)                                                            

Valid for 3 consecutive months only from the date of purchase                                                     

This star treatment is a total bliss!

Your wellbeing will be increased through the massage, the healing properties of plants and

the Angelic healing helping you to drift away from your busy life... allowing the body to tap into its

own healing abilities, releasing toxins, unblocking stuck energies and aiding you to achieve the balance

within your mind, body and spirit.

And so, producing a sense of wellbeing, deep relaxation and peace, connecting to your higher self
with love, in your heart, to empower your light from within.


Animal healing/skin rash Cheltenham

Casper, our cat, before healing with skin rash

on 16-01-2013

Animal healing/skin almost healed Cheltenham

Casper, after one week of healing

0n 22-01-2013

Animal healing/hair regrowth Cheltenham
Animal healing/skin healed Cheltenham
A deep/relaxing massage, Cheltenham
An angel of the violet flame in our garden, Cheltenham
Meditation teacher:


Making our heart connection to the cosmic heart and to the rhythm of the whole Universe helps us to ease our daily stress of life and stay in harmony within ourselves.

It keeps us grounded, focused and balanced on our wellbeing by living in the now and aids  us to be in the synchronicity of all opportunities and abundance of all creation.
Single price: £ 10.00      
Course of 10: £ 90.00 (buy 9 and get 10th one free)
valid for 10 consecutive weeks only from the date of purchase.
Duration: 45 min-60 min maximum
Meditation is a great way to relax, as well as, reducing stress of the
body and mind. It builds up your confidence so opening a better communication at home, at work, or at school. Attaining more tolerance, a better listening skills, empathy, compassion and wisdom. Meditation helps in seeing a bigger picture under different situations and changing attitude towards life. Creating a deeper understanding of yourself and others. Meditation aids to gain will power, gives more satisfaction and sense of responsability in life. It can enhance the power of focus, concentration and intuition, and so, improving a better productivity, performance and creativity. Meditation assists to balance your life and your wellbeing by living in the present moment and increases the synchronicity of your life with the flow of the Universe.
It promotes the connection of peace, self-acceptance and unconditional love within your heart.
Therefore, it opens the window of your soul, your higher self, to reach enlightenment.



Please note, I hold a 24 hour cancellation policy whereby I am within my rights to charge for a missed appointment if not given 24 hours notice.


Also, to keep the cost low, i only accept cash or bank transfert prior a treatment given.

Casper, healing week 3 on 2-02-2013

Casper almost total hair regrowth

on 1-03-2013

A spirit man face on my cheek after a global meditation

After global peace meditation at home on 31-08-2012,

A spirit man face appeared on my cheek

Holding you in love and light, Cheltenham

Holding you in love and light

A white dove trusted me with its life peacefully landing on me, Prinknash Abbey

Prinknash Abbey,21-09-2013, a white pigeon trusted me with its life peacefully by landing on me


Please, Note:


It is not recommended to anyone to stop their treatments and/or stop seeking help from  their medical team or stop seeing the vet for your beloved pets! Meditation, healing and massages are only a complementary medicine. They are not to be replaced your doctors diagnostics, prescriptions and medications or any  other treatments you are undertaken.

Please, check with your medical team if you have any allergies, any injuries or any ongoing treatments for illnesses, pregnancy etc. that may not be suitables for massage treatments. In these cases, a doctor written permission is needed.

Results cannot be guaranteed as its effect depend on each individual or animal!

Any advices, suggestions, informations of all contents in this website are for guideline purposes and for entertainment only.

It is up to you what you use them for, but be responsible of your own actions!

Love within the Light sanctuary or myself will not take any responsabilities of the misuse of the contents, by you, in the intentions of harming yourself or someone else and taking their free will away from them or forcing your own views onto others!

We all have a freedom of speech and actions of free will, so please, be mindful to the wellbeing of everyone, to all living things!

Be mindful of the law of attraction too, as to "what goes around comes around",

it`s how Karma works!

So, please, reflect carefully on your thoughts or actions, first, before launching them out!

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